Marketing Strategy : Cupcakes

 Assalamualaikum :D

 If our group want to make a business,we would like to choose cupcakes as our product.


- Our target market is for everyone. People of all ages,children and adults will enjoy the delicious cupcakes. We are able to meet our customer needs  whether customers looking for plain, simple or intricately design treats.


- Cupcakes will be offered with a variety of flavors,frosting,sizes,styles,toppings and decorations.
- We offered variety options of cupcake that will attract our customers. Our Cupcakes also suitable for all types of occasions.
- We also will take order from customer to design a cupcake according to their taste.


- We would like to choose Bukit Bintang,Kuala Lumpur as our place to make cupcake business.
- Bukit Bintang is a strategic place and known as shopping and entertainment district. This area is popular among tourists and local.
- Many of the city's major retails malls are located in this area and many of customers love to shop at this area.
- So, we are very sure that Bukit Bintang is the best place for marketing our product.



- To make our customers aware about our product, we will do extensive advertising, website and hosting a grand opening.
- We will promote our business through advertisement in newspaper,magazines and internet.
- We also will create our own official website to provide more details about our product and customers also can place their orders in our websites.
- For hosting a grand opening, we will offer to our customer free samples of the tasty treats. As customers try our cupcakes,they will be no hesitant to make purchase.


- We will choose price which are competitive with industry. So that we can be more profitable. 
- Our price is very reasonable and can afford by many of people.
- We also offer membership card that offer 10% discount.

Assignment Progress [with picture]

Assalammualaikum w.b.t..

Alright hari ni admin nak share dengan korang gambar2 mase progress nak buat assignment. Okay tajuk je english bagai but content still in Malay al maklumlah mate tak biru nak speaking lancar macam roket. Hehe. So scroll ke bawah la takkan ke ataskan. Hihi ^.^

mase nak shooting utk reunion

para pelakon terkenal xD

last scene mase ni

mase ni nak search info. berlakon je tu..

Abil nak marah Syafiq. keh3

mase nak buat draft report. seriously blurrrr -.-

ni pun search jugak..asyik kne search je

proses membuat poster obsessed of beauty
inilah kami :D
Jang jang. ni lah poster kami...heee~

Okay sampai sini jelah kawan2. Tak tahu nak cakap ape. Nak layan running man. hehe. Wassalam..

Minimum Wages in Private Sector

Assalammualaikum w.b.t..

Definition of 'Private Sector'

  • The part of the economy that is not stated controlled, and is run by individuals and companies for profit
  • The private sector encompasses all for profit businesses that are not owned or operated by the government
  • Companies and corporation that are government run are part of what is known as the public sector, while charities and other non-profit organizations are part of the voluntary sector

Definition of minimum wages

  • Minimum wages means basic wages
  • Under section 2 of the Employment Act 1955, the term "wages" means basic wages and all other payments in cash payable to an employee for work done in respect of his contract of service but not include :
         i) the value of any house accommodation
        ii) employer's contribution to any retirement scheme
       iii) any travelling allowance or the value of any travelling concession
       iv) any gratuity payable on discharge or retirement
        v) any annual bonus or any part of any annual bones

The Impacts of Minimum Wages on Private Sector

       1 - Advantages of Minimum Salary

  • Reduce poverty - These workers will have an increase in income and this will reduce poverty
  • Increase productivity - Higher wages can increase people incentives to work harder, thus it will increase their productivity
  • Increased investment - Will be an incentives to firm to invest
  • Competitiveness in public sector - People will compete with each other to get permanent and high salary
        2 - Disadvantages of Minimum Salary
  • Unemployment - If labour markets are competitive a minimum wages could cause unemployment because firms will demand less labour, and higher wages may encourage more workers to supply their labour
  • Cost push inflation - Firms face an increase in costs which are likely to be passed on to consumers
  • Black market - A number of people working on the black market will increase so firms can avoid paying the legal minimum
  • Poorest do not get benefit - They have to rely on benefits are therefore not affected by minimum wages

.:: In conclusion, the minimum wage would not remain static, but it would be reviewed from time to time based on the country's abilities, productivities and competitiveness [Datuk Seri Najib]

Sources : 1 , 2 , 3 , 4

Just us :D

Assalammualaikum w.b.t..

Hai guysss ! So here our story. Cewah omputeh pulak. Melayu je la. So before memulakan entry kami yang akan dipenuhkan dengan tajuk assignment je, kiteorang nak memperkenalkan diri memasing lah dulu. So first of all, yang baju oren tu name dia Nur Atikah. Dia baru 20. Tak kawin lagi so boleh la usha. Keh3. And yang second tu Nur Amalina Maisarah. Yang paling comellah kot, erh nape dipuji ni sebab I lah yang tulis xD Dia ni same umur jugak dengan  atikah and tak kawin jugak. Tapi takleh usha. And yang satu-satunye kumbang keliling bunga melati, Mohd Syafiq. Dia pun same umur erh pendek kate kiteorang semua same umur. Lepas tu yang tudung labuh tersipu-sipu macam siput tu Nor Amalina. Dia ni anak mak ye lah anak bongsu. Kiteorang pun anak mak habis takkan anak kucing pulak. Then last sekali gadis melayu terakhir dalam gambar ni, Nabilah Syahirah. Dia ni garang sambil coach I kat tepi ni. Tak bagi tulis itu dan ini pasal dia. Hehe.

.:: Tu je lah pasal kiteorang yang tak seberape ni. So diharap segala isi kandungan dalam ni takdelah yang membuatkan sesapelah sakit hati ke terase ke. So kire kosong-2 lah. Erh tetibe. Btw Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir dan Batin. Pesanan ikhlas dari penulis.